Одење на терен: собирање на податоци, 2014 година / Going to the field: 2014 data collection
Hi! We would like you to know that the filed-work and the data collection in 2014 was supported by UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) and WHO, Skopje Office . Here is what happened:

Communication: In order to select the classes and to get a general support for the survey in the schools, we communicated extensively with the sampled schools in the course of the project activities. We had daily communication and briefing on the ongoing field research work with the MoES (Ministry of Education and Science). There was communication with the WHO Skopje Office, regarding the questionnaires and survey documents printing and distribution for which they provided the resources. Finally, number of contacts were made with the media.
Training: We trained the nominated persons from each school, in order to assist schools to standardize the process of data collection, as well as to conduct the survey. In addition, trainings for university students and volunteers, who assisted schools in rural area, were conducted.
Another team of assistants was engaged to establish and keep contacts with the collecting centres, set in the chosen schools, or in the local government offices for Public Health and Education, throughout the country. Their main task was to supervise, keep records and report on the dynamic of the field work activities, as well as to engage in collection of the completed questionnaires.
Data collection: The data collection was carried out in 141 schools (including both elementary & high schools) in all regions of the country, and lasted for 7 weeks (28 April – 05 June). According to the HBSC procedure, the parents’ positive consent, as well as the children’ free choice participation was required in order to proceed with the survey. Strict procedure for the conditions in the class, including a guarantee for students’ privacy and anonymous responses, was achieved in each school. For that purpose, each student was provided with an envelope, to put and seal in it the filled out questionnaire.
The research was carried out in the pre-selected classes, by the nominated, trained individuals from each school, who were members of the school expert teams. In some of the schools the collection of data was assisted, or carried out by the trained members of the field-research CPCA team.